permalink diagnosing an emacs bug
Like all emacs users, I have shaped my emacs environment over the years until it fits me like a second skin. Recently an integral part of that environment broke. After painstaking (painful?) diagnosis, I determined that the cause was an emacs bug and came up with a workaround. Lastly, I filed my first emacs bug report![ read me ]
permalink doc of the day
Not guaranteed to work for you in the future. Use at your own risk. Caveat emptor. Doomy doom doom. Etc etc. Gem::Specification all=(specs)
Hmmm…. Don’t think I’ll be using that method!
permalink and we’re live
I’ve spent much of the past several weeks working on what started as an Octopress theme and turned into its own blogging engine. This website now runs on that engine; Octoburn.[ read me ]
permalink repository naming for Octopress on github
While the Octopress instructions for deploying an Octopress blog on Github are generally quite straightforward, some confusion over the repository name seems fairly common. I ran into it myself. Hopefully this post can spare some other folks hours of research and head-scratching.[ read me ]
permalink on delicious, finally
I joined Delicious (formerly styled yesterday. For those of you living under a rock for the past decade, Delicious is the original social bookmarking web service.[ read me ]